Our Mission


The mission of Plantation Presbyterian Church, a congregation of the Presbyterian Church, USA, is to unite all members as one in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord, through:

  • Providing meaningful worship and encouraging the stewardship of personal and financial resources.
  • Spreading the Gospel by word and deed.
  • Assisting persons in their faith journey.
  • Providing Reformed spiritual leadership by Pastor, Session, and Diaconate.
  • Seeking to address society’s ills through practical participation in community-serving ministries.
  • Instilling Christian principles into the total family unit.
  • Working within the ecumenical context to achieve positive objectives.
  • Encouraging new membership by faithful witness, consistent attendance, and growth within the congregation.
  • Providing Christian Education and activities to encourage children, youth and adults to grow in Christ and take an active part in the church family.